Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The 4 Most Common iPod Repairs

Our staff at iHeart Repair knows how simple fumbles and mistakes can lead to serious iPod damage. Although some of our customers initially consider their damage to be unique and unfixable, we pride ourselves on being able to handle a large variety of iPod repairs.

The following is a list of the top four most common iPod problems and exactly how iHeart Repair can help you to fix them. Mistakes happen all the time, but you don't have to let them defeat you or your device.

The iPod was Dropped

Whether it slips from your hands as you try to dial it or slides off the counter as you reach for it, dropping the iPod is the most common cause of damage. This kind of occurrence usually leads to a damaged screen or a cracked case. iHeart Repair can replace cases, screens and any internal damage quickly, allowing you to get right back to listening to music and texting.

Inclement Weather

Forgetting your iPod by an open window is often a trivial matter, but when an unexpected shower or snow storm hits, this mistake can lead to a broken device. Serious circuitry is rarely damaged by these kinds of issues due to the excellent fuse system present in the device. iHeart Repair will determine the problem, dry out the inside and replace the damaged systems.

External Pressure

Sitting on your iPod, pressing too hard on the screen or otherwise putting an undue amount of force on your device can strain the housing and sometimes damage internal components. Most of the time, this is a cosmetic issue, and real damage is rarely done to the electronics. Either way, iHeart Repair can replace the case, diagnose any damage to the circuitry and get your iPod back to you fast.

Case Scratches

Most users will opt for some kind of protective covering for their iPods, but even with this added protection, scratches happen. iHeart Repair is an expert at replacing damaged screens in a jiffy.

iHeart Repair Knows iPods

The above list is only a small example iHeart Repair's capabilities. Our professional technicians know the devices inside and out, and our rapid iPod repair times and quick shipping options can help to resolve your issue quickly.  

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