Friday, April 26, 2013

Repair, one of 8 R's in Recycling

The info-graph above shows the 8 ways that we now need to look at recycling in the 21st century. Recycling has changed quite a bit from how we traditionally view the topic. As we covered before, recycling is actually the last option when it comes to electronics. This new info-graph shows the wholistic way in which we can look at all of our resources before we actually recycle them.

We all need to "Rethink" the way we handle all the stuff in our life. There is actually a grassroots effort going on now to reuse or repair many of the items that we use everyday. Many items that are old or worn out can actually be repurposed for something else. If you aren't creative with how to use your old worn out stuff you should consider selling to someone else instead. There is even a community of artists that have begun to repurpose old scraps as art.

When it comes to buying new items you should consider buying used whenever possible. This encourages people to continue selling their old things and it also reduces our demand for new products. As a society as a whole, we need to slow down our consumption rate of new products. Especially when it comes to electronics. Consider repairing what you have or buying used whenever possible, it is the best choice for our future.

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