Wednesday, February 17, 2016

[15. LawTrades]

New startup pitch— 15. LawTrades

15. LawTrades

Listen to Ashish Walia pitch his startup (LawTrades) to investors Shruti Gandhi and Punit Chiniwalla. Then find out what they think of Ashish's pitch, and whether or not they'll invest.

Guest investors


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Listen to this episode of The Pitch...

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

[14. Phenom]

New startup pitch— 14. Phenom

14. Phenom

Listen to Brian Verne pitch his startup (Phenom) to investors Alex Mittal and Peter Kazanjy. Then find out what they think of Brian's pitch, and whether or not they'll invest.

Guest investors


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Listen to this episode of The Pitch...